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Titos Eftichides Estate

Titios Eutichides Winery & Estate is one of the most picturesque locations of this area.  Located on the foothill of Mount Paiko on the way to the village of Karpi, Titios Winery is two kilometers away from Goumenissa, right after the “Two Rivers” area, take a right turn on the dust road and after 800 meters you reach the winery. The road follows the bank of Sirios river, well known from ancient years, through a dense plane forest . The Winery & Estate cover 6,5 hectars and the varieties that are cultivated there are Xinomavro and Negoska that give us the famous Goumenissa wine (A.O.C.) and Caberne Sauvignion, labelled ‘Paeonia Tavros’(The Bull of Paeonia). The Winery also produces the ‘Limnio’ label which one of the oldest varieties and last but not least the old French Variety, that of Viognier, that give us an amazingly flavoured wine from a selection of varieties. You can visit the Titios Winery & Estate by making an appointment.
Contact:  Mr Titos Eftichides,  Ermou 12, Post Code 54624 Thessaloniki,  Tel / Fax  2310-273620


Contact Details

mem_img  Dimosthenis Traditional Guesthouse

home_icon  Kountourioti 17
  P.C. 61300  |  Goumenissa - Kilkis


img2  (+30) 23430 41302
  (+30) 23430 43371


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